Welcome To The Way of No Way
Welcome To The Way of No Way
The Way of No Way is a Mixed Martial Arts academy, bringing you a variety of martial arts from around the globe, specializing in both kids and adults classes. We invite you to sneak a peek into our domain.
These pages are designed to give you the insight you desire on our unique, modern approach to cultural martial arts. Please take the time to navigate through our whole site, as each page has been put together with love and passion for what we do.
No one culture, creed, race, religion, or martial art can have a monopoly on truth. There is but one truth, however, many ways to get there. Thus, introducing, The Way of No Way as guide or premise on your search for truth and exploration of the martial art, which is ultimately, self-exploration and problem-solving.
We don’t claim to have invented anything. Through our search we have come across many things we find true. Use our lantern until you can see for yourself. All we ask in return, is for you to pass on the light.
Every human being whether adult or child seeks recognition. Awarding of rank should be used as a tool to let people know that they are on the right track. That’s it. Then, move on. Inspiration should come from the passion and the energy the teacher spews when they share their interpretation of the arts. For children, it’s also a tool to teach goal-setting. Without hard work, determination, and dedication, you will not move up.
This process shadows and mirrors real life. Everyone has an opportunity to move up at their own pace. The way we grade, and the message portrayed and repeated in classes is that everyday is a test. Every individual or child is unique, and has their own challenges. Some physical, emotional, or spiritual. Their training will reveal these challenges and pinpoint what needs work and our duty as a team is to help them get over these barriers and discover their true essence.
Our Membership is as straightforward as it gets, month-to-month, no long term contracts, no registration fees, no 30-day notice to quit. Although very modern in many aspects, we still do business the old school way, with a handshake. No fine print to read.
We pride ourselves in retaining our students because they want to be here. Martial arts is not a product, therefore it’s not for sale, and we treat it as such. We provide an environment where people can truly grow, and that’s what you pay for.
Please call to inquire about pricing. Tuition is based on frequency of attendance.